
Showing posts from November, 2022

Post #3

Legally Blonde: Heroine's Journey      Legally Blonde follows Victoria Lynn Schmitt's heroine's journey basically down to a T. Victoria Lynn Schmitt's narrative helps us understand the ending of Legally Blonde. The ending scene where Elle defends Brooke represents the stage of Rebirth/Moment of Truth and the Return to the New World. These stages are supported by characters such as Emmitt, Vivian, Brooke and Elle's West Coast friends along with Elle's own attire.     Victoria Lynn Schmitt's definition on Wikipedia of the Rebirth/Moment of Truth stage states that "d ue to the support she has gotten, the heroine finds courage and hope again." Before this stage, Elle is about to go back to the West Coast but because of the help from her West Coast friends, she "finds the courage and hope again" to stay even though Callahan hit on her. Without the help of Emmitt as a supervisor and Brooke willingly giving up Callahan as a lawyer and accepting